The NEE Teams are seasonal programs (Fall, Winter & Spring/Summer). Tryouts have closed for the current season but if you would like to join a team please email skycaronNEE@gmail.com to schedule a walk-on tryout if possible.
Players earn a position on a NEE team through a seasonal tryout and are typically placed on a local, regional, or national team.
Tryouts & team placements are scheduled typically during the following months:
Fall - August (registration opens) September (tryouts)
Winter - October (registration opens) November (tryouts)
Spring/Summer - March (registration opens) April (tryouts)
hit us up.
We are always looking for talented new players to join our club. Please reference the information at JOIN/TRYOUTS about the next opportunity to join the team.
With additional questions feel free to contact Sky Caron, Program Director
If you are sending a check, please sent to:
Northeast Elite Field Hockey
326 Merrimac St
Newburyport MA, 01950